Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Brotherhood of the Crow part 31

As promised in my last post this post is dedicated to a labor of love 26 years in the making. It all began in 1990 when, at 11, I got the legendary tomb Realm of Chaos: Lost and the Damned. It has been with me ever since. I have not let it leave my sight since the day I got it. One of the entries in it is the War Altar of Nurgle. Like a lot of people I enjoy the pageantry of Nurgle and I've always wanted to make an altar for my favorite Chaos god, especially after looking at the amazing one in LatD for so long. I've had a few false starts over the years and this project might have gone the same way if not for three special people who made it possible. In no particular order: Andrew Dyer, Richard "Orcland" Hale, from Stuff of Legends, and a local friend Evan for their contributions to what has become my crowning achievement, as far as I'm concerned, thank you guys so much. I couldn't have done it without you. So enough lead in, here is the main event. I hope you enjoy it. My scratch built War Altar of Nurgle.

Some of you may recognize a few of the figures on this from Oldhammer weekend, which unfortunately I was unable to attend, for the second year in a row. :( Also the first person who can tell me what the main symbol on the white banner is gets 10 points for their house.


  1. It looks very impressive. I like the built and the colours.

  2. Wow! It's unsettling and impressive. Gorgeous work!

    1. Thank you. That was the effect I was going for. I feel like too many of the Nurgle carnivals are too much carnival and not enough unsettling.
